[WEB4LIB] Thanx and Linux

Phillip Whitford pwhitford at braswelllib.org
Tue Dec 22 09:38:01 EST 1998

This public library is a distant outpost of the Windows/Intel empire.  I
agree that for a library with limited computer staff resources that NT 4 is
a better choice than Linux.  We use it for everything but the library
automation system (Open VMS on an Alpha, and that will go NT within two
years) and we don't have much trouble with it. I agree NT is not as flexible
and that it doesn't provide as much control.  But it fits our needs. I can
easily, and cheaply, get software, hardware, and support for NT here in
rural NC.  A side benefit is that what I learn maintaining the NT system can
often be used to maintain the ubiquitous Windows 95/98 desktops. NT is not
the best NOS, but given our circumstances, it's the best one for us.

-----Original Message-----
From: web4lib at webjunction.org
[mailto:web4lib at webjunction.org]On Behalf Of Jeff Papier
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 1998 7:51 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Thanx and Linux

Thanks to all those who answered my query re menu software.  Many
recommended WinU highly. (I'd used it in the past, but was wondering if
anything later and greater had appeared.  Apparently not.)

Now an informal survey:  don't want to start the next holy war here,
but...I'm a Linux user at home.  Our library uses NT 4.0 Server, with
glances towards the impending 5.0.  How many libraries out there are
using Linux, or some other Unix flavor, to network their PC's, provide
Internet connectivity, firewalls, etc?  Who's using Unix plus NT?  How
about NT alone?

A glance at the newsgroups will tell you that humans at large have _very_
strong feelings about which OS will prevail, if any.  Do members of this
esteemed list have such feelings?  Preferences?

(Opening up Pandora's Box and scampering away),

Jeff Papier				email: jpapier at infolink.org
Network / Internet Librarian		voice: (732) 329-4000 ext. 286
South Brunswick Public Library		fax:   (732) 329-0573
South Brunswick, NJ

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