[WEB4LIB] Scanning microfiche to PDF/TIFF

John Creech creechj at mumbly.lib.cwu.edu
Fri Feb 9 14:51:32 EST 2001

On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Ted Baldwin wrote:

> I am pursuing a project to digitize a large collection of microfiche, 
> preferably to PDF or TIFF format, for electronic access through a web-based 
> internal document management system.  I have found a few products that can 
> do this, and I wanted to get some recommendations from any of you who may 
> have faced a similar project and have actual experience using these products.

Ted, we have looked at the ImageMouse digital Retrieval Systems setup, at


and it looks promising; we just haven't shaken loose the $ yet. We'd like
to use it w/ ERIC fiche, w/ our Gov Docs collections, w/ ILL, etc.

John Creech
Electronic Resources & Systems Librarian
Central Washington University Library 
400 E. 8th Ave. | Ellensburg, WA 98926 | 
office - 509-963-1081 || fax - 509-963-3684
creechj at www.lib.cwu.edu

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