[Web4lib] summer school on the digital library

Jola Prinsen jola.prinsen at uvt.nl
Fri Apr 21 05:47:37 EDT 2006

This message is posted on several lists. My appologies for any 

Digital Libraries a la Carte: New Choices for the Future

Modular, International Digital Library Course
Tilburg University, The Netherlands, 22-25 August 2006

The International Ticer School (known for its former International 
Summer School on the Digital Library) offers a new, modular course 
for librarians and publishers: "Digital Libraries a la Carte: New 
Choices for the Future". The course will be held at Tilburg 
University, the Netherlands, 22-25 August 2006. 

>From its 'menu' of four one-day modules, you can pick your choice: 
* technological developments, relevant to libraries (lectures)
* Library 2.0 technologies to reach out to the customer (hands-on 
  in a computer room)
* libraries supporting research and Open Access
* libraries and teaching and learning

Subjects covered
* digital paper
* interoperability between repositories
* institutional portals and the role of the library
* developments in search/search engines
* blogs/RSS
* instant messaging in libraries
* Library 2.0
* eScience
* virtual research environments and digital libraries
* Open Access and the role of the library
* the role of the library in teaching and learning
* learning technology
* the application of gaming in libraries and education
* library impact measurement

Top speakers will present their views. Below is a selection. 
* Malcolm Atkinson is Director of the National e-Science Centre 
  and the new UK e-Science Envoy
* Carl Grant is President & COO of VTLS, Inc.
* John Willinksy wrote 'The Access Principle: The Case for Open 
  Access to Research and Scholarship'
* Paul Miller is Senior Manager and Technology Evangelist at Talis
* Michael Stephen's blog 'Tame the Web' is read worldwide by 
* Philip Payne is an expert on measuring the library's impact on 
  learning and teaching
* John Kirriemuir has extensively researched and published on 
  gaming in learning/teaching
* Herbert Van de Sompel is a driving force behind the Open Archives 
* Sue Roberts co-authored 'Developing the New Learning Environment'
* Michael Fraser is the director of the Humbul Humanities Hub

To guarantee a highly interactive programme, the number of 
participants is limited to 45 per module, lectures contain an 
nteractive component, and one module consists of hands-on sessions 
in a computer room. The course is recommended by JISC, DEFF - 
Denmark's Electronic Research Library, the Swiss National Library, 
Helsinki University Library, and FinELib (Finnish National 
Electronic Library), part of the National Library of Finland.

The course website can be found at www.ticer.nl/06carte/. On the 
website you can find the full programme, the complete list of 16 
lecturers with short bios, abstracts of most presentations and 
practical information about course fee and registration. 

If you register before 1 June 2006, you will get a 150 euro 

     Do you want a quick update in just one to four days?
        Then Tilburg is the place to be this summer!

Further information
Ms Jola Prinsen
Course Manager Ticer B.V.
P.O. Box 4191
5004 JD Tilburg
The Netherlands
tel. +31 13 466 8310
fax  +31 13 466 8383
e-mail jola.prinsen at uvt.nl

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